Learn How to Catch More Fish : Lure Making Blog
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Learn How to Catch More Fish

by Kermett Adams on 01/20/13


Have you ever noticed that of the weekend fishermen that hit the lakes and streams there are about 10% of them that consistently catch about 90% of the fish being caught? Usually it is the same group in the 10% that go home with fish for supper and the same remaining 90% goes home empty handed.

Sure, some days you are just going to be lucky and catch fish like you know what you are doing. You may think you have it figured out and then come home empty handed your next trip out.

The truth is that every day you go you are dealing with a different set of challenges. On any given body of water it is like a different lake each time you go during the year.The change of seasons, changes in water levels, changes in water temperatures, moon phases,and many other factors effect whether or not fish will bite and even what they my prefer to bite.

There are really only two ways you can learn the hundreds of the pieces in the puzzle on how to improve your odds each and every time you go fishing . One is to devote the many years needed of trial and error til you figure out the pieces of the puzzle. Second is to learn it from a mentor. It can be your dad, grandad, or any other experienced angler willing to spend the time with you to teach you.This same mentoring can be in the form of a training course of some kind like books, DVD, and seminars.

At the link below are assembled some of the best training materials available that will help make you a better fisherman.

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